Business & Hotel Management School Switzerland

  General Terms and Conditions for International Students

1. General Information

The following General Term and Conditions (GTC) by BHMS AG, Luzern shall govern the legal relations between BHMS and its students.

The signed application serves as legal registration. The applicant shall receive a copy, which also functions as a Letter of Acceptance. The application will be binding in a court of law. By signing, the applicant (or legal guardian) commits to the responsibility of paying all tuition fees and deadlines as agreed upon in writing.

I hereby accept and verify that I understand the content of the offer made to study the program I registered for at the Business and Hotel Management School Luzern (BHMS) and return this contract to BHMS as confirmation of my intentions as specified by the Offer Letter.

2. Student Obligation
I understand and agree that I must meet the following requirements:

  • Adhere to all the regulations of the student visa (Residency Permit "B").
  • " I understand that while BHMS is my sponsor, under Swiss Law I am a legal adult at 18. Notwithstanding the official sponsorship, I agree to terminate my BHMS studies in the event of chronic psychological difficulties or the expectation of becoming a parent, both of which I acknowledge as being a hinderness to the completion of my studies. I further agree to inform the Dean of any psychological difficulties or of the expectation of a child.
  • Working part-time off-campus campus during the academic semester is illegal and therefore not permitted.
  • I will be offered one internship position. Should I decline this, I will be responsible to obtain one additional position which I will have to complete successfully. No more than two attempts are permissible and will then need to complete my internship in my home country.
  • I understand that the school does not guarantee career placement upon graduation but that the school will assist and guide a graduate to find a suitable inter-national internship placement overseas (excluding Switzerland). I understand that certain costs will be incurred but none are due to BHMS for their services.
  • I understand that in the event I discontinue my studies for any reason whatsoever, I am not entitled to any refund of school fees already paid, irrespective of the reasons for my withdrawal.
  • I understand that all the conditions with respect to the specific program I signed-up for, are listed in the BHMS brochure and website, in the Rules & Regulations and that the representative is limited to providing admission, visa, and travel guidance only. I understand that the representative acts only as a referral agent to BHMS and has no other endorsements. I have not paid the representative any fee for rendering these services.
  • The Rules & Regulations of BHMS as listed in the BHMS handbook and presented at the Orientation day will be abided by me.

By signing the application form, I give BHMS the right to inform my parents, legal guardian, and/or sponsor of all school related information such as but not limited to disciplinary as well as academic information.

3. Tuition Payments / Withdrawal / Deregistration / Postponement
The price agreed upon is in Swiss Francs currency incl. VAT. Payment shall be made in full prior to receiving the NOC (no open cost letter) required to obtain a visa. The application fee of CHF 400 will be forfeited under all circumstances. This amount serves to cover all administrative costs associated with the application process. If an application has been signed at least 37 days prior to course start, participants have the right to withdraw by sending a registered letter within 7 days to the school. The application fee will be forfeited should cancellation be made within the 30 day period.

Once school has started according to the official start date on the school calendar, no tuition refund will be considered. Tuition is based on six months at school (or 480 teacher contact hours) as the second semester is a paid industry training semester away from school.

BHMS reserves the right to expel any student for academic failure or gross disciplinary behavior as outlined in the Student Services and Academic Manuals of the school and without any recourse for tuition refund. All outstanding fees will be due immediately.

Should a student owe BHMS any fees, such as but not limited to tuition, insurance, damage, key replacement money, BHMS reserves the right to withhold any or all graduation documents until that amount is fully settled.

There will be no refund made based on military service, pregnancy, sickness, bereavement or accidents. In limited cases, course postponement, for a period not to exceed 24 months, may however be considered.

Participants who have mitigating circumstances may be able to change courses / programs but only at the discretion and with the approval of School Management and/or the Board of Directors.


4. Limits of BHMS Responsability
BHMS is obliged to provide room and board as far as a student has contracted such. Clean and safe accommodations w/ double occupancy and 24 hr. supervision as well as food & beverage privileges that includes a daily buffet breakfast, light lunch, and full dinner Mondays - Fridays and brunch and dinners on Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays only.

BHMS provides full health insurance coverage with the following coverage:

  • Golden Care* - the BHMS health insurance provider, gives assistance and insurance coverage for accident and illness.
  • Assistance coverage: in case of medical emergency and death; transportation, repatriation, evacuation, first aid care and funeral repatriation in case of death.
  • Medical coverage: hospital and external care at reasonable costs and usually practiced in the area where treatment takes place with a CHF 1'000'000 limit per illness or accident.
  • Worldwide coverage: limited to 30 days per year in the USA, Canada and Japan.
  • Deductible: CHF 50.00 per illness.

    *member of the group

BHMS will provide one Swiss industry training position to each student. In case of a signed declination by the student, it is the student's responsibility to obtain an approved traineeship. Should this not be possible, the internship will need to be done in the student's country of origin. If a student is deemed to have been responsible for loosing a Swiss internship position or wishes to change employers and all legal constraints have been adhered to, BHMS reserves the right to charge CHF 500.00 per student / per incident for costs and effort involved.

Upon successful completion of each program requirement, a student will receive an award, a final transcript, and a school letter, authorizing international internship qualifi-cation. The school is not obligated to issue an award without all the academics requirements, as stated in the academic manuals, having been fully met.

BHMS ensures that all documentation required by local authorities will be handled efficiently and in a timely manner if handled by the school. BHMS will not accept any liability for documentation falsely or erroneously completed by the student or any deadlines missed resulting from oversight or indifference on the part of the student. No guarantee for a specific classroom or building can be made and BHMS reserves the right to change the venue at any time and without prior notice.

5. General Liability
While participating in this program, students may be exposed to certain risks. These risks include, but are not limited to, accident and/or sickness, the forces of nature, acts of war, or terrorism. By enrolling a student is acknowledging and assuming these risks.

Participants in any program waive any liability against BHMS and its employees, for any injury, loss, damage, accident, expense or delay caused by or related to means of transportation or lodging (including host families). The participant understands that he/she is traveling under his/her own responsibility and releases BHMS and its employ-ees from any liability related to health and safety.

As an adult, over 18 years of age and under Swiss Law, I will be held responsible for all harm I may cause to myself, others and/or third parties while I am in residency at BHMS. I cannot and will not hold BHMS responsible for my actions that are against Swiss Law.

Furthermore, I understand that any activities I undertake outside organized school activities are done on my own and I cannot and will not hold BHMS responsible for such actions.

BHMS shall be responsible only for providing the services outlined to the participant. In the event that the services and accommodation outlined cannot be provided due to causes beyond the control of BHMS, all efforts will be made to provide comparable services and accommodation. If, due to insufficient enrollment, a class or program has to be cancelled, BHMS shall only be responsible for reimbursing the participant the amount of moneys paid for the program (excluding any transportation expenses).

6. Drug Policy
BHMS is a drug-free environment! I also testify here, that I do not use any illegal or abuse legal substances as defined by the law and understand that substance abuse will lead to permanent and immediate dismissal from this school.

Furthermore, I will abide by the house rules and not smoke within the smoke-free residency building of the school and/or access any balcony, climb on balustrades or onto roof tops.

7. Applicable Jurisdiction
The present General Terms and Conditions shall be governed by Swiss Law. For any controversy arising between BHMS and a student and/or agent, the place of jurisdiction shall be that of the Canton of Luzern, Switzerland.

I note that all the rules included in this document replace all previous rules. I am aware that the Terms & Conditions may change at any time and without prior notice.