Business & Hotel Management School Switzerland

  Start your career in Switzerland

You can choose from 3 specialised educational and vocational training programs, each leading to international career and work opportunities.

Hospitality Management (HM)
Culinary Management (CM)
Dual Award
Post Graduate2 / MBA3
University English Foundation Certificate *
3 months school
3 months paid industry training
Diploma in Culinary Management in Switzerland
6 months school
6 months paid culinary training
Post Graduate / MBA in Switzerland
12 months academics
6 months paid industry training
Diploma in Hospitality Management in Switzerland
6 months school
6 months paid industry training

Advanced Diploma in Culinary Management in Switzerland

6 months school
6 months paid culinary training

2 Issued by BHMS
3 Issued by the CityU, Seattle, WA
Higher Diploma in Hospitality Management in Switzerland
6 months school
6 months paid industry training

Both Culinary Diploma Programs are accredited by the American Culinary Federation Foundation Accrediting Commission.

BA1 Hotel and Hospitality Management in Switzerland

6 months academics
6 months paid industry training

* Only available inconjunction
   with an academic program
1 Issued by The Robert  Gordon
   University, Aberdeen, Scotland